Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Living MY LIFE!

The other night I was sitting in my Scraproom, the one that my hubby worked so hard on, and didn't want to be there. It's  not that I didn't want to be there, I was just at a point where I didn't know what I wanted to do. I have several birthday's and holiday's coming up that I needed to make cards for, but I wasn't sure which ones I wanted to work on first or what I wanted to make for them. I've had all these ideas lately, but for some reason didn't want to do any of them.

Don't get me wrong, I love making cards. It's the easiest way to share my creativity and my love of creating with others, but once my cards are done and sent on their way I never see them again. And although it sounds weird, I miss them. I miss being able to go back and see my creations again and again if I want to.

I haven't done any layouts lately and I have SO many pictures that I really want to immortalize. I have two new nieces, my oldest is starting kindergarden in the fall and my youngest is starting preschool. There are so many memories that I really want to make sure that I get scrapped.

For the longest time I was at a creative block when it came to creating layouts and that is why I started creating cards. They could be much simpler; simpler layout, simpler message and they definetly did help me to practice some new techniques, but I think that it is time that I get back to basics...layouts.

It's time that I start to go back to what makes me the happiest and that's scrapbooking memories. I need to be able to write down all the great things that my kids and my family are doing right now and in the future. So, that I can always remember how lucky I am to be living MY LIFE!



That will be great! saving those memories will be something your whole family will always cherish. And you layouts are wonderful.